50ste Oscar-toekenningsaand

Die 50ste Oscar-toekenningsaand is op 3 April 1978 deur die Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles gehou om erkenning te gee aan die rolprente van 1977. Bob Hope was vir die 18de en laaste keer die aanbieder.

  50ste Oscar-toekenningsaand 

Datum 3 April 1978
Plek Dorothy Chandler Pavilion,
Los Angeles
Aanbieder Bob Hope
Pryse & benoemings
Beste rolprent  Annie Hall
Meeste pryse  Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (7)
Meeste benoemings  Julia en The Turning Point (11 elk)

Twee van die jaar se grootste wenners was Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, wat veral in die tegniese kategorieë uitgeblink het, en Annie Hall, wat vier van sy vyf benoemings gewen het, onder meer beste rolprent, aktrise en regisseur. Die seremonie word ook onthou vir die politiek gelaaide toespraak van Vanessa Redgrave.

The Turning Point het ’n nuwe rekord opgestel vir die prent met die meeste benoemings wat nie een Oscar gewen het nie met 11 benoemings. Die vorige rekord is gehou deur Peyton Place en The Little Foxes, elk met 9 benoemings. Nog net The Color Purple kon dit sedertdien ewenaar.

Annie Hall was die laaste beste prent wat net vyf benoemings gekry het tot The Departed 29 jaar later in 2006.


Woody Allen
Diane Keaton
Jane Fonda

Hier volg ’n lys van die belangrikste wenners en benoemdes (die wenners word eerste genoem en is in vet druk):[1]

Beste rolprent Beste regisseur
  • Annie Hall
    • The Goodbye Girl
    • Julia
    • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
    • The Turning Point
Beste akteur Beste aktrise
Beste manlike byspeler Beste vroulike byspeler
Beste oorspronklike draaiboek Beste verwerkte draaiboek
  • Annie Hall – Woody Allen, Marshall Brickman
    • The Goodbye Girl – Neil Simon
    • The Late Show – Robert Benton
    • Star Wars Episode IV: A New HopeGeorge Lucas
    • The Turning Point – Arthur Laurents
  • Julia – Alvin Sargent
    • Equus – Peter Shaffer
    • I Never Promised You a Rose Garden – Gavin Lambert, Lewis John Carlino
    • Oh, God! – Larry Gelbart
    • That Obscure Object of Desire – Luis Buñuel, Jean-Claude Carrière
Beste buitelandse rolprent Beste oorspronklike musiek (drama)
  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope – John Williams
    • Julia – Georges Delerue
    • The Spy Who Loved Me – Marvin Hamlisch
    • Mohammad, Messenger of God – Maurice Jarre
    • Close Encounters of the Third Kind – John Williams
Beste kunsredigering Beste kinematografie
  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope – John Barry, Norman Reynolds, Leslie Dilley, Roger Christian
    • The Spy Who Loved Me – Ken Adam, Peter Lamont, Hugh Scaife
    • Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Joe Alves, Dan Lomino, Phil Abramson
    • The Turning Point – Albert Brenner, Marvin March
    • Airport '77 – George C. Webb, Mickey S. Michaels
  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Vilmos Zsigmond
    • Looking for Mr. Goodbar – William A. Fraker
    • Islands in the Stream – Fred J. Koenekamp
    • Julia – Douglas Slocombe
    • The Turning Point – Robert L. Surtees
Beste redigering Beste visuele effekte
  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope – Paul Hirsch, Marcia Lucas, Richard Chew
    • Smokey and the Bandit – Walter Hannemann, Angelo Ross
    • Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Michael Kahn
    • Julia – Walter Murch
    • The Turning Point – William Reynolds
  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope – John Stears, John Dykstra, Richard Edlund, Grant McCune, Robert Blalack
    • Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Roy Arbogast, Douglas Trumbull, Matthew Yuricich, Gregory Jein, Richard Yuricich


  • Margaret Booth
  • Gordon E. Sawyer
  • Sidney P. Solow

Jean Hersholt- Humanitêre Prys


Irving G. Thalberg-gedenkprys

  • Walter Mirisch

Redgrave se toespraak


Tydens die seremonie het Vanessa Redgrave die Oscar vir beste vroulike byspeler gewen vir Julia. Sy het in haar toespraak die volgende aanmerkings gemaak:

  My dear colleagues, I thank you very much for this tribute to my work. I think that Jane Fonda and I have done the best work of our lives, and I think this is in part due to our director, Fred Zinnemann.

And I also think it's in part because we believed and we believe in what we were expressing – two out of millions who gave their lives and were prepared to sacrifice everything in the fight against fascist and racist Nazi Germany.

And I salute you, and I pay tribute to you, and I think you should be very proud that in the last few weeks you've stood firm, and you have refused to be intimidated by the threats of a small bunch of Zionist hoodlums whose behavior is an insult to the stature of Jews all over the world and their great and heroic record of struggle against fascism and oppression.

And I salute that record and I salute all of you for having stood firm and dealt a final blow against that period when Nixon and McCarthy launched a worldwide witch-hunt against those who tried to express in their lives and their work the truth that they believe in. I salute you and I thank you and I pledge to you that I will continue to fight against anti-Semitism and fascism.


Twee uur later het[2] Paddy Chayefsky, toe hy die wenner vir beste skryfwerk moes aankondig, geantwoord:

  Before I get on to the writing awards, there's a little matter I'd like to tidy up – at least if I expect to live with myself tomorrow morning. I would like to say, personal opinion, of course, that I'm sick and tired of people exploiting the occasion of the Academy Awards for the propagation of their own personal political propaganda.

I would like to suggest to Miss Redgrave that her winning an Academy Award is not a pivotal moment in history, does not require a proclamation and a simple 'thank you' would have sufficed.



  1. "The 50th Academy Awards (1978) Nominees and Winners". oscars.org (in Engels). Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 1 Oktober 2014. Besoek op 5 Oktober 2011.
  2. John Bradey, "The craft of the screenwriter", 1981. Page 57

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