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BeskrywingCity Lights of Asia and Middle East 2016.png
English: This image shows Earth’s night lights as observed in 2016; they are drawn from a 2016 global composite map that was added to Worldview and GIBS. The compositing technique selected the best cloud-free nights in each month over each land mass. (Note that clouds and sunlight are added to the image for aesthetic effect; those data are drawn from the Blue Marble products.)
Instrument: Suomi NPP - VIIRS
Euskara: Lurra espaziotik ikusia, gaueko argiekin, 2016an. Urte horretan sortutako irudi batetik eratorria.
Italiano: Immagine della Terra realizzata con una composizione di foto satellitari del 2016, selezionando le migliori fotografie notturne prive di nubi, scattate su ciascuna città terrestre.
Македонски: Земјата со нејзините вечерни светла во 2016 г.
Русский: Ночные огни Земли в 2016 году. Изображение было создано из спутниковых фотографий по композиционному методу. Для этого были отобраны снимки с лучшими безоблачными ночами каждого месяца над всеми материками
The NASA website hosts a large number of images from the Soviet/Russian space agency, and other non-American space agencies. These are not necessarily in the public domain.
The SOHO (ESA & NASA) joint project implies that all materials created by its probe are copyrighted and require permission for commercial non-educational use. [2]
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South Asia, Middle East, East Africa and Australia are visible, city's lights can be seen in Middle East, India and East Asia
Bu görüntü, 2016'da gözlemlenen Dünya'nın gece ışıklarını gösteriyor; Worldview ve GIBS'e eklenen 2016 küresel kompozit haritasından alınmıştır. Birleştirme tekniği, her kara kütlesinde her ayın en iyi bulutsuz gecelerini seçti.
Imagen de la Tierra que muestra las luces nocturnas en 2016. Se extrajo de un mapa compuesto global de 2016.
Uploaded a work by NASA Earth Observatory from https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/90008/night-light-maps-open-up-new-applications with UploadWizard